S5E13 - Corey Morrissette

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Length: 53:22 - Release Date: November 9, 2022

Today's episode is a fan chat I had with one of the best indie podcasters, and all round genuinely nice fella, Corey Morrissette. Yes, that's spelled correctly, Alanis doesn't spell her name properly! Corey is the host of the superb podcasts And The Podcast Will Rock (dedicated to breaking down the catalogue of Van Halen with his brilliant co-host Mark Camire), Back Tracks: Aerosmith Revisited (with the ever-sardonic John Mariano and their referee, Scott Haskin) and Back Tracks: Theme Music (again with JM). I'm a huge fan (and have listened to every episode of) the first two shows and have begun catching up on the latter and I can tell you, hand on heart, that Corey is a superb host, producer, and creative brain. He also happens to be a big Tom Petty fan, which of course is why I wanted him on the show. As a warning, there is some profanity in this episode, but it's not vulgar or gratuitous.

Petty Trivia